About us


A farmhouse in the hills at 2 steps from the sea

five acres of land


Great passion for the vine

a small wine cellar ... meditated at length


We are not people blazoned with families to claim and coats of arms to be affixed on the label

We are not "vignerons" of proven ancestry and we have not anecdotes or more or less fictional stories to tell your friends

We are not an organic farm, but we insist on supporting that one of the values of good winemaking lies in protecting the environment

We are not people that believe that only their own wine is good, rather we hope that the next year is better than the last

We are not people who would make their land a branch of France, but we think that the development of local vines is an added value of good "true" wine

We are not fixed in the use of barrique although we recognize in small barrel an important machine for aging wine